We LOVE filming the speeches – we get to hear the couples story and we just love this part of the day. So many couples tell us later that they were so glad that we captured the speeches as they could not remember all that was said so we do take this part of the day very seriously.
We always are often asked for tips/advice for the speeches so here are a few pointers from what we have learnt over the years.
If you are going to show photos/props make them large so that the people at the back can see them – or put copies under the table in an envelope and get the guests to open them at the appropriate time.
Ensure that the speakers use a microphone (generally provided by venue/dj) and ensure that whoever is speaking holds the mic correctly throughout the whole speech. Ideally have a practise earlier in the day before the guests arrive. There is nothing worse for guests not to be able to hear the speeches, they will loose interest and start chatting.
Traditionally speeches are held after the wedding breakfast but if you have a nervous speaker then why not have the speeches before the meal.
We strongly recommend not having speeches in between courses particularly if you are having your wedding filmed. This can disrupt the serving of the food if the speeches run on and there will also be far more noise in the room with plates being cleared away or even worse guests eating during the speeches. Far better to do them before or after.
Ask each speaker how long their speech will be and make sure you have allowed enough time for the speeches. Try and avoid evening guests arriving during the speeches and being left loitering outside the room without being welcomed into the wedding.
Don’t Google it – speak from the heart !
Don’t stagger the speeches – do them all at the same time.